datasets = load_dataset("squad_v2" if squad_v2 else "squad")
# 如果我们想要看到tokenizer预处理之后的文本格式,我们仅使用tokenizer的tokenize方法,add special tokens意思是增加预训练模型所要求的特俗token。
print("单个文本tokenize: {}".format(tokenizer.tokenize("What is your name?"), add_special_tokens=True))
print("2个文本tokenize: {}".format(tokenizer.tokenize("My name is Sylvain.", add_special_tokens=True)))
# 预训练模型输入格式要求的输入为token IDs,还需要attetnion mask。可以使用下面的方法得到预训练模型格式所要求的输入。
from transformers import AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, TrainingArguments, Trainer
model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
Some weights of the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased were not used when initializing DistilBertForQuestionAnswering: ['vocab_projector.bias', 'vocab_transform.bias', 'vocab_transform.weight', 'vocab_layer_norm.weight', 'vocab_projector.weight', 'vocab_layer_norm.bias'] - This IS expected if you are initializing DistilBertForQuestionAnswering from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model). - This IS NOT expected if you are initializing DistilBertForQuestionAnswering from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model). Some weights of DistilBertForQuestionAnswering were not initialized from the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased and are newly initialized: ['qa_outputs.weight', 'qa_outputs.bias'] You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
import torch
for batch in trainer.get_eval_dataloader():
batch = {k: for k, v in batch.items()}
with torch.no_grad():
output = trainer.model(**batch)
def prepare_validation_features(examples):
# Tokenize our examples with truncation and maybe padding, but keep the overflows using a stride. This results
# in one example possible giving several features when a context is long, each of those features having a
# context that overlaps a bit the context of the previous feature.
tokenized_examples = tokenizer(
examples["question" if pad_on_right else "context"],
examples["context" if pad_on_right else "question"],
truncation="only_second" if pad_on_right else "only_first",
# Since one example might give us several features if it has a long context, we need a map from a feature to
# its corresponding example. This key gives us just that.
sample_mapping = tokenized_examples.pop("overflow_to_sample_mapping")
# We keep the example_id that gave us this feature and we will store the offset mappings.
tokenized_examples["example_id"] = []
for i in range(len(tokenized_examples["input_ids"])):
# Grab the sequence corresponding to that example (to know what is the context and what is the question).
sequence_ids = tokenized_examples.sequence_ids(i)
context_index = 1 if pad_on_right else 0
# One example can give several spans, this is the index of the example containing this span of text.
sample_index = sample_mapping[i]
# Set to None the offset_mapping that are not part of the context so it's easy to determine if a token
# position is part of the context or not.
tokenized_examples["offset_mapping"][i] = [
(o if sequence_ids[k] == context_index else None)
for k, o in enumerate(tokenized_examples["offset_mapping"][i])
return tokenized_examples
start_logits = output.start_logits[0].cpu().numpy()
end_logits = output.end_logits[0].cpu().numpy()
offset_mapping = validation_features[0]["offset_mapping"]
# The first feature comes from the first example. For the more general case, we will need to be match the example_id to
# an example index
context = datasets["validation"][0]["context"]
# Gather the indices the best start/end logits:
start_indexes = np.argsort(start_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist()
end_indexes = np.argsort(end_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist()
valid_answers = []
for start_index in start_indexes:
for end_index in end_indexes:
# Don't consider out-of-scope answers, either because the indices are out of bounds or correspond
# to part of the input_ids that are not in the context.
if (
start_index >= len(offset_mapping)
or end_index >= len(offset_mapping)
or offset_mapping[start_index] is None
or offset_mapping[end_index] is None
# Don't consider answers with a length that is either < 0 or > max_answer_length.
if end_index < start_index or end_index - start_index + 1 > max_answer_length:
if start_index <= end_index: # We need to refine that test to check the answer is inside the context
start_char = offset_mapping[start_index][0]
end_char = offset_mapping[end_index][1]
"score": start_logits[start_index] + end_logits[end_index],
"text": context[start_char: end_char]
valid_answers = sorted(valid_answers, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[:n_best_size]
[{'score': 16.706663, 'text': 'Denver Broncos'},
{'score': 14.635585,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers'},
{'score': 13.234194, 'text': 'Carolina Panthers'},
{'score': 12.468662, 'text': 'Broncos'},
{'score': 11.709289, 'text': 'Denver'},
{'score': 10.397583,
'text': 'Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers'},
{'score': 10.104669,
'text': 'American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos'},
{'score': 9.721636,
'text': 'The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos'},
{'score': 9.007437,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24–10'},
{'score': 8.834958,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina'},
{'score': 8.38701,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC)'},
{'score': 8.143825,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title.'},
{'score': 8.03359,
'text': 'American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers'},
{'score': 7.832466,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC'},
{'score': 7.650557,
'text': 'The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers'},
{'score': 7.6060467, 'text': 'Carolina Panthers 24–10'},
{'score': 7.5795317,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference'},
{'score': 7.433568, 'text': 'Carolina'},
{'score': 6.742434,
'text': 'Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title.'},
{'score': 6.71136,
'text': 'Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24'}]
import collections
examples = datasets["validation"]
features = validation_features
example_id_to_index = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(examples["id"])}
features_per_example = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i, feature in enumerate(features):
from import tqdm
def postprocess_qa_predictions(examples, features, raw_predictions, n_best_size = 20, max_answer_length = 30):
all_start_logits, all_end_logits = raw_predictions
# Build a map example to its corresponding features.
example_id_to_index = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(examples["id"])}
features_per_example = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i, feature in enumerate(features):
# The dictionaries we have to fill.
predictions = collections.OrderedDict()
# Logging.
print(f"Post-processing {len(examples)} example predictions split into {len(features)} features.")
# Let's loop over all the examples!
for example_index, example in enumerate(tqdm(examples)):
# Those are the indices of the features associated to the current example.
feature_indices = features_per_example[example_index]
min_null_score = None # Only used if squad_v2 is True.
valid_answers = []
context = example["context"]
# Looping through all the features associated to the current example.
for feature_index in feature_indices:
# We grab the predictions of the model for this feature.
start_logits = all_start_logits[feature_index]
end_logits = all_end_logits[feature_index]
# This is what will allow us to map some the positions in our logits to span of texts in the original
# context.
offset_mapping = features[feature_index]["offset_mapping"]
# Update minimum null prediction.
cls_index = features[feature_index]["input_ids"].index(tokenizer.cls_token_id)
feature_null_score = start_logits[cls_index] + end_logits[cls_index]
if min_null_score is None or min_null_score < feature_null_score:
min_null_score = feature_null_score
# Go through all possibilities for the `n_best_size` greater start and end logits.
start_indexes = np.argsort(start_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist()
end_indexes = np.argsort(end_logits)[-1 : -n_best_size - 1 : -1].tolist()
for start_index in start_indexes:
for end_index in end_indexes:
# Don't consider out-of-scope answers, either because the indices are out of bounds or correspond
# to part of the input_ids that are not in the context.
if (
start_index >= len(offset_mapping)
or end_index >= len(offset_mapping)
or offset_mapping[start_index] is None
or offset_mapping[end_index] is None
# Don't consider answers with a length that is either < 0 or > max_answer_length.
if end_index < start_index or end_index - start_index + 1 > max_answer_length:
start_char = offset_mapping[start_index][0]
end_char = offset_mapping[end_index][1]
"score": start_logits[start_index] + end_logits[end_index],
"text": context[start_char: end_char]
if len(valid_answers) > 0:
best_answer = sorted(valid_answers, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[0]
# In the very rare edge case we have not a single non-null prediction, we create a fake prediction to avoid
# failure.
best_answer = {"text": "", "score": 0.0}
# Let's pick our final answer: the best one or the null answer (only for squad_v2)
if not squad_v2:
predictions[example["id"]] = best_answer["text"]
answer = best_answer["text"] if best_answer["score"] > min_null_score else ""
predictions[example["id"]] = answer
return predictions
final_predictions = postprocess_qa_predictions(datasets["validation"], validation_features, raw_predictions.predictions)
Post-processing 10570 example predictions split into 10784 features.
HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=10570.0), HTML(value='')))
metric = load_metric("squad_v2" if squad_v2 else "squad")
if squad_v2:
formatted_predictions = [{"id": k, "prediction_text": v, "no_answer_probability": 0.0} for k, v in predictions.items()]
formatted_predictions = [{"id": k, "prediction_text": v} for k, v in final_predictions.items()]
references = [{"id": ex["id"], "answers": ex["answers"]} for ex in datasets["validation"]]
metric.compute(predictions=formatted_predictions, references=references)